General Manager
Cedar Maritime Agencies (CMA- CGM)
Title: Role of Technology in Delivering Efficiency in the Maritime World
Transport Modeller and Analyst
International Transport Forum at the OECD
Title: The Low Carbon Technologies for Road Freight
Associate Professor
ESC Clermont Business School
Title: Does Innovation Ecosystems Facilitate Circular Economy Implementation? System Dynamics Drivers in the European Manufacturing System
Associate Professor
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering
Title: Global Logistics Intermodal Network Simulation Modelling and Application to the Middle Corridor and Neighboring Regions
ATF Forwarding General Manager
Title:The End of An Era, Just In Time System
Prof. Dr.
Lazarski University
Title: Belt and Road Initiative with Focus on Green Comodity Supply Chain Index and Green Transportation
Head of Commercial
Mersin International Port
Title: Sustainability in Ports
Prof. Dr.
Hochschule Wismar University
Title: Relevance of Time to Manage the Lifecycle Asset Value of Heavy Asset Companies for Decarbonization on the Example of a Cruise Company